

Prix Bronze dans la catégorie Environmental Design aux prix de l’Advertising & Design Club of Canada (ADCC).

Pour la signalisation du Technopôle Angus, designée par lg2.


Prix Platine au Grand Prix du Design de INT.Design

Pour la signalisation du Technopôle Angus, designée par lg2.

Prix Bronze dans la catégorie Architecture aux Prix Cube de l’Architecture Design Collaborative (ADC)

The One Club for Creativity, prestigieux concours multidisciplinaire américain pour tout ce qui a trait à la création publicitaire et au multimédia POUR la signalisation du Technopôle Angus, designée par lg2.

Prize of excellence - Ordre des architectes du Québec

Prize awarded to Cité Angus Phase 2, for its architectural quality.


Grands Prix Du Design

lg2 head office

Discipline : Architecture : Grand Winner

Categories : Commercial Building / Low-Rise Office Building (< 5 storeys) : Gold Certification, Platinum Winner

Cité Angus - Phase 1

Discipline : Architecture

Categories : Residential Building / Apartment & Condo of 5 to 9 storeys : Gold Certification

Categories : Special Award / Architecture + Materials : Gold Certification

Categories : Special Award / Sustainable Architecture : Gold Certification

Prix Construire, Association de la Construction du Québec (ACQ)

Cité Angus - phase 1 project in category Innovation

Prix d'excellence en architecture

De l'Ordre des architectes du Québec

Finaliste pour le projet du siège social de lg2 au 4051 Molson


Numix Awards

Finalist in the Podcast-Brand Content category for the "La ruée vers l'Est" podcast series


Prix du développement durable, CRE Montréal

To commend the characteristics of the Technopôle Angus development plan, which proposed creating a mixed, green living space.

Prix Novae

For the Angus eco-district, as the most influential innovation of the year.


National Award for Urban Design

National Award for Urban Design of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

For the design of the eco-district of Technopôle Angus.

Prix Leader en transport durable

Pour l’ensemble des initiatives en transport durable mises de l’avant au Technopôle Angus.


Brownie Award: Best Overall

Technopôle Angus named “BEST OVERALL” project in Canada by Canadian Urban Institute. The “Best Overall” award recognizes a single project or program that combines excellence in urban design, outstanding public space, and innovative approaches to land remediation in adherence with sustainable development principles. This honor recognizes Technopôle Angus’s excellence since its beginnings in 1999, including the Phase II development



Sustainable Development Category

For the remarkable ecological dimensions of a real estate project with the Carré Saint-Laurent.


Globe Awards for Environmental Excellence

Société de développement Angus (SDA) won a Globe Award for Excellence in Urban Sustainability for its Technopôle Angus project. The category recognizes companies that develop and implement exceptional urban renewal practices.


Phénix Environment Award

Société de développement Angus (SDA) took top honors in the climate change action/non-profit category for non-educational institutions and associations at the Quebec government’s 2012 Phénix awards. The prize was awarded for the group action plan to fight climate change adopted by all Technopôle Angus tenants, which substantially reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 110 t CO2 eq. from its very first year.

Armatura Award

Category Commercial Building

For Design and Construction Challenges with Building 2-22.


Presented to the President and CEO of the Société de développement Angus, Christian Yaccarini, for his leadership in promoting sustainable development within the SDA.


Prix Énergia

Category Green Building / Sustainable Building

For the 4100 Molson building, 50% less energy than a comparable standard building.



Category Environment and Sustainable Development

For the integration into the Technopôle Angus of all the dimensions of sustainable development in the daily management of the site and its evolution.


Prix Orchidée

Category Organization

For the exceptional work to participate in the development of the East of Montreal and to value the feelings of belonging and pride of the territory.


Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Royal Architectural Innovation Award of Excellence – Innovation in Architecture

The Herman Miller Sustainable Design Award

First Prize – National Post Contest


Lauréat Green Building Challenge

Prize for the building of the Locoshop Angus – Green Building Council Competition



LEED Silver

LEED Silver certification for lg2 head office building, located at 4051 Molson Street.



Certification LEED-Or pour le premier édifice résidentiel du Technopôle Angus, Cité Angus Phase 1. Une belle réussite pour cet immeuble aux plus hautes exigences en matière de développement durable, composé majoritairement de logements abordables dédiés aux familles et premier bâtiment branché sur la boucle énergétique.

LEED NE Argent

Certification LEED Argent pour notre projet du centre-ville, le Carré Saint-Laurent, récompensant une nouvelle fois le travail entrepris et l'expertise de notre équipe concernant le respect des plus hauts standards dans les domaines des aménagements écologiques et énergétiques.


LEED Platine ND v4

Reaching the highest level of LEED certification, Platinum, is an exceptional achievement. The Angus eco-district project is marked by its integrated design process. In addition to creating jobs, providing affordable housing and offering new public spaces, the project focuses on diversity, densification and creating ecological infrastructures.

The development plan for the eco-district was designed in partnership with the multidisciplinary firm Provencher_Roy, NIP Paysage, Vinci Consultants and Pageau Morel & Associates.


Le 2-22 LEED-NC Argent

2-22 is the second new building in downtown Montreal to receive LEED certification. It received Silver certification for the ecological landscaping of the site and the efficient management of water, energy and materials.

The double-skin facade acts as a thermal regulator and the white roof helps reduce heat islands. The building's energy efficiency means that there is a 40% reduction in water use and a 38% reduction in energy use.

The project included a plan for the management of residual materials, which helped divert 92% of construction residues from entering landfills.


LEED NC Argent

Pour le CLSC de Rosemont



Located on 4100 Molson Street, this first multiplex rental property in Canada to receive LEED CS certification marked an important step forward with regard to cost considerations around green construction.


Ici on recycle!

Recyc-Québec awarded SDA ICI ON RECYCLE! certification (performance level) for Technopôle Angus’s waste management plan in 2008 and renewed it in 2011. Over 85% of the waste generated by Technopôle operations is kept out of landfills through recycling, composting, and waste recovery initiatives.


All Technopôle Angus buildings managed by SDA are certified BOMA BESt in recognition of their excellence in green building management practices.


In 2008, Technopôle Angus’s master plan proudly bore LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) Gold certification, awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council. This certification recognizes Technopôle Angus’s commitment to forward-thinking urban planning and eco-responsible leadership with measures like foot paths, easily accessible public transit, strong community ties, and its signature “work, live, play” concept—all built on a foundation of green building design. Technopôle Angus is the first development in Canada to be certified LEED-ND, and only the second outside the U.S. (after Beijing’s Olympic Village).