
A Bustling

The Technopôle Angus is both an urban revitalization project and a “full-scale” sustainable-development and social-innovation lab. Today, the sector is thriving thanks to all of the organizations, businesses and commercial establishments in the area. Here, several businesses, including health care, IT, communications and food services, are thriving side by side. The new eco-district across from Jean-Duceppe Park bustles with workers and thousands of residents from all walks of life, including students and families.

From an
Industrial Site to a
Thriving Living Environment

1992 was the end of the great industrial era of the Angus Shops, when Canadian Pacific closed several of its factories in the area. The abandoned site posed many challenges, including:

  • Several thousand jobs lost in the east and an unemployment rate of 20%
  • 1.6 million sq. ft. of heavily contaminated sites
  • An open scar in one of the city’s central districts
  • Private-sector interest in building strictly for commercial purposes


Stakeholders in the community mobilized to launch the Société de développement Angus. Our approach is clear: to sustainably develop the area while accounting for its every need. Slowly but surely, the organization:

  • Decontaminated the area in a responsible manner
  • Built eco-friendly buildings
  • Supported the creation of quality jobs
  • Promoted job reintegration for the most vulnerable in society
  • Followed social-economy principles
  • Promoted access to property and housing at a fair price.
DJI 0033


25 years later, the Technopôle now represents:

  • A healthy, dynamic and integrated living environment 
  • Social-reintegration organizations that help get hundreds of people back to work every year
  • Simplified access to affordable property and housing
  • An LEED ND certified eco-district that has received numerous awards
  • Jean-Duceppe Park, which was reacquired by the City
  • Prioritizing active transportation
  • Several health care service points
  • A social-utility trust to protect the site from real estate speculation
Angus2018c Frédérique Ménard Aubin 805

Technopôle Angus

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